Table of Contents
Pubblicazioni accademiche - Academic publication list
- Lorang, E., Lobianco, A. & Delacote, P. (202“), ”Increasing Paper and Cardboard Recycling: Impacts on the Forest Sector and Carbon Emissions“, Environ Model Assess, 28, 189–200
- Riviere, M., Pimont, F., Delacote, P., Caurla, S., Ruffault, J., Lobianco, A., et al., (2022), ” A Bioeconomic Projection of Climate-induced Wildfire Risk in the Forest Sector“, Earth's Future, 10
- Lobianco, A., (2021), ”BetaML: The Beta Machine Learning Toolkit, a self-contained repository of Machine Learning algorithms in Julia“, Journal of Open Source Software, 6(60)
- Delacote P., Lobianco A., Caurla S., Bontemps J.D., Lungarska A., Mérian P., Rivière M., Barkaoui A. (2020), ”The loop effect: how climate change impacts the mitigation potential of the French forest sector”, Journal of Forest Economics, accepted paper
- Roux A. (coord.), Colin A. (coord.), Dhôte J.-F. (coord.), Schmitt B. (coord.), Bailly A., Bastien J.-C., Bastick C., Berthelot A. Bréda N., Caurla S., Carnus J.-M., Gardiner B., Jactel H., Leban J.-M., Lobianco A., Loustau D., Marçais B., Meredieu C., Pâques L., Rigolot E., Saint-André L., Guehl J.-M., (2020). “Filière forêt-bois et atténuation du changement climatique : entre séquestration du carbone en forêt et développement de la bioéconomie.”, Versailles, éditions Quæ, 170 p.
- Caurla, S. and Lobianco, A.,(2020) “Estimating climate service value in forestry: The case of climate information on drought for maritime pine in Southwestern France”, Climate Services, Volume 17, January 2020
- Petucco, C., Lobianco, A. & Caurla, S. (2019) “Economic Evaluation of an Invasive Forest Pathogen at a LargeScale: The Case of Ash Dieback in France”, Environmental Modelling and Assessment
- Lobianco A. (2019) “Julia Quick Syntax Reference. A Pocket Guide for Data Science Programming”, Apress, ISBN: 978-1-4842-5189-8
- Delacote P., Lobianco A., Caurla S., Bontemps J.D., Lungarska A., Mérian P., Barkaoui A. (2018), “La filiera foresta-legno francese tra potenziale di mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici e necessità di adattamento”, Agriregionieuropa, anno 14 n°54, Set 2018
- Roux A., Dhôte J.-F. (Coordinateurs), Achat D., Bastick C., Colin A., Bailly A., Bastien J.-C., Berthelot A., Bréda N., Caurla S., Carnus J.-M., Gardiner B., Jactel H., Leban J.-M., Lobianco A., Loustau D., Meredieu C., Marçais B., Martel S., Moisy C., Pâques L., Picart-Deshors D., Rigolot E., Saint-André L., Schmitt B. (2017). “Quel rôle pour les forêts et la filière forêt-bois françaises dans l’atténuation du changement climatique? Une étude des freins et leviers forestiers à l’horizon 2050. Rapport d’étude pour le Ministère de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation”, INRA and IGN, 101 p. + 230 p. (annexes). English Summary
- A. Dragicevic, A. Lobianco, A. Leblois (2016), “Forest planning and productivity-risk trade-off through the Markowitz mean-variance model”, Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 64, March 2016, Pages 25–34.
- A. Lobianco, S. Caurla, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui (2016), “Carbon mitigation potential of the French forest sector under threat of combined physical and market impacts due to climate change.”, Journal of Forest Economics, Volume 23, April 2016, Pages 4–26
- A. Lobianco, P. Delacote, S. Caurla, A. Barkaoui (2016), “Accounting for active management and risk attitude in forest sector models. An impact study on French forests”, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, June 2016, Volume 21, Issue 3, Pages 391–405
- A. Lobianco, A. Dravicevic, A. Leblois (2015), “Forest planning and productivity-risk trade-off through the Markowitz mean-variance model”, Cahier du LEF 2015-07
- A. Lobianco, P. Delacote, S. Caurla, A. Barkaoui (2015), “The importance of introducing spatial heterogeneity in bio-economic forest models: Insights gleaned from FFSM++”, Ecological Modelling, Volumes 309–310, 10–24 August 2015, Pages 82-92, ISSN 0304-3800
- A. Lobianco, P. Delacote, S. Caurla, A. Barkaoui (2014), “Introducing forest management in forest sector models: impact of active management and risk attitude on forest resources in the long term”, Cahier du LEF 2014-05
- A. Lobianco, P. Delacote, S. Caurla, A. Barkaoui (2014), “Introducing spatial heterogeneity in forest sector modelling: insights from the French Forest Sector Model”, Cahier du LEF 2014-04
- Barkaoui, A., Caurla, S., Delacote P., Lobianco A. (2013), “Accounting for socio-economic drivers in climate change analysis with the French Forest Sector Model 2.0”, poster presented on the “Changements Environnementaux” seminar organized by the French National Research Agency (ANR), Toulouse (France) 17-18 April 2013
- Lobianco, A. (2012),“E-Learning 2.0 per integrare formazione tradizionale e informale in agricoltura”, AgriRegioniEuropa 28
- Lobianco, A.& Esposti R. (2011),“Assessing the impact of the "Health Check" in an Italian Region: An Application of the RegMAS Model”, in “The Common Agricultural Policy after the Fischler Reform”, Ashgate, ISBN: 9781409421948
- Lobianco, A. (2011),“e-Collaboration tools and strategies for rural areas: addressing the needs of sparse communities”, Conference proceedings “ICT for inclusive learning: the way forward”, Frorence 10-11 November 2011, Euracademy Association - The European Academy for Sustainable Rural Development
- Lobianco, A.& Esposti R. (2010), “The Regional Multi-Agent Simulator (RegMAS): An open-source spatially explicit model to assess the impact of agricultural policies”. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 72, Issue 1. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2010.02.006.
- Lobianco, A. (2010), Silvicoltura e prodotti forestali, in “Il sistema Agricolo ed Alimentare nelle Marche. Rapporto 2008”, Regione Marche - INEA
- Lobianco A. (2009), “E-learning per l'agricoltura: l'esperienza agriregionieuropa”. AgriRegioniEuropa 16
- Lobianco A. & Esposti R. (2008) “The Regional Multi-Agent Simulator (RegMAS). Assessing the impact of the “Health Check” in an Italian region”. Paper presented at the 109th EAAE Seminar, The CAP after the Fischler Reform: national implementations, impact assessment and the agenda for future reforms, 20- 21 November, Viterbo
- Lobianco A. (2008), “Una valutazione dei possibili effetti dell'Health Check in una regione medio collinare attraverso RegMAS”. AgriRegioniEuropa 12
- Lobianco, A. (2007) “The effects of decoupling on two Italian regions. An agent-based model”. Associazione Alessandro Bartola, PhD Studies 2
- Esposti R. & Lobianco A. (2006), “L'impatto sull’agricoltura italiana della variazione del tasso di cambio Euro-Dollaro: i risultati del modello AGMEMOD”. AgriRegioniEuropa 7
- Lobianco A. & Esposti R. (2006), “Effetti del disaccoppiamento sulle strutture agricole. Un’analisi mediante il modello AgriPoliSMed”. AgriRegioniEuropa 7
- Lobianco, A. & Esposti, R. (2006), “The Regional Model for Mediterranean Agriculture”. Idema Working Paper 17.
- Lobianco, A. & Esposti, R. (2006), “Analysis of the impact of decoupling on two Mediterranean regions”. Idema Working Paper 25.
- Esposti, R. & Lobianco, A. (2005), “|Modeling the impact of 2003 CAP reform on crop production. The case of Durum Wheat in Italy”, Agricultural Economics Review 6(1).
- Esposti, R. & Lobianco, A. (2005), The CAP Reform impact on the Italian durum wheat production: an application of the AG-MEMOD model, in “Modelling agricultural policies: state of the art and new challenges (Proceedings of the 89th European seminar of the EAAE)”, Monte Università Parma Editore.
- Esposti, R., Lobianco, A., 2005, “Analysing the impact of the CAP reform agreed at Luxembourg on the agri-food sector with the AG-MEMOD model: the case of Italy”, End of Project Report, Working Paper, Department of Economics, Polytechnic University of Marche
- Lobianco, A. (2005), Ambiente e Territorio; Le produzioni forestali, in “Il sistema Agricolo ed Alimentare nelle Marche. Rapporto 2004”, Regione Marche - INEA
- Lobianco, A. (2004), Ambiente e Territorio; Le imprese e gli addetti della filiera legno; Le produzioni forestali in “Il sistema Agricolo ed Alimentare nelle Marche. Rapporto 2003”, Regione Marche - INEA
- Lobianco, A. (2003), I boschi, in “Il sistema Agricolo ed Alimentare nelle Marche. Rapporto 2002”, Regione Marche - INEA
- Berloni, D., Esposti R. & Lobianco A. (2002), “An Italian olive oil model. General framework and preliminary estimate results”, poster presentet at the EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) congress of Zaragoza (Spain)
- Lobianco, A. (2001) “Carbon dioxide emissions and gross domestic product in Italy and Sweden” Master thesis
- Lobianco, A., (2021), “Land use partitioned by region (sub-national) and year (1992-2019)”, [Data set], Zenodo
Oral presentations in conferences without acts
- Barkaoui A., Bontemps J.D., Caurla S., Delacote P., Lobianco A. , Mérian P., “The loop effect: quantifying the mitigation potential of the forest sector when adaptation strategies are also taken into account. A case study for France”, International Conference “Our Common Future Under Climate Change”, Session 2216 -Climate smart forestry- Integrating mitigation and adaptation into sustainable development, 8 July 2015, Paris, France
- Ahmed Barkaoui A., Caurla S., Delacote P., Lobianco A., “Forest Growth, investments and markets: a spatially explicit bio-economic model of the French Forest sector”. 10th International conference on Modelling, Optimization and SImulation of Systems (MOSIM), 5-7 November 2014, Nancy, France
- Ahmed Barkaoui A., Caurla S., Delacote P., Lobianco A., “Accounting for socio-economic drivers in climate change analysis with the French Forest Sector Model 2.0 (FFSM++)”, IUFRO - UMB Forest Sector Modelling Conference, 16-17 October 2013, Lillehammer, Norway
- Ahmed Barkaoui A., Caurla S., Delacote P., Lobianco A., “The French Forest Sector Model 2.0 (FFSM++)”, EFICENT-OEF Workshop on Forest Sector Modelling, 24 September 2013, Nancy, France
- Rose D., Lobianco A., “Tools for profitability assessment of forest projects: Cash Program and FInWeb”, EFICENT-OEF Workshop on Forest Investment Profitability, 23 September 2013, Nancy, France
- Harou P. A., Rose D., Lobianco A. (2012), “Cost-Benefit Analysis of Forestry Instruments”, paper presented at the IUFRO International Symposium on “Socio‐economic Analyses of Sustainable Forest Management”, Prague 15-17 May, 2013