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This page refers to some IT related projects I has been involved in recent years.
For a list of academic publications refer here instead.

customSampler 2D

A fast and precise sampler over a custom defined probability distribution in the form of a stand-alone program.
For example, you may have various regions and tree species and you want to randomly sample 100 cases in each region according to their probability of presence in each region. Or you may have cities and age groups and you want to sample 50 cases according with the share of each age class in the various cities.
Usage: unzip and run from dos (Windows) or terminal (Linux). Read the REDME.txt or type “customSampler2D –help” for usage.
Year: 212

AgriRegioniEuropa Journal

An enchanged version (+ socialisation, online double blind peer-review system, + multimedia) of the leading Italian Journal in the field of Agricultural Economics.
Skills: Drupal Commons
Year: 2012
=> Visit website (currently in late Beta status)

Facoltà di Economia web site

Web site (included several web applications) for the web site of the Facoulty of Economics, UNIVPM.
Skills: Drupal, Active Directory
Year: 2011-present
=> Visit website community site

Social site for the (small) village I live in.
Skills: Drupal Commons
Year: 2011-present
=> Visit website

122nd EAAE Seminar website

Website of the 122nd European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). Include complete workflow management of submitted papers (reviewing process included) and back-office management of registered users (payments, seminar informations..)
Skills: Drupal
Year: 2010
=> Visit website

CeSAR elearning

E-learning portal of the Centro per lo Sviluppo Agricolo e Rurale (Ce.SAR).
Skills: Moodle, user support
Year: 2008-2009
=> Visit website

Large agent-based model developed in C++ to simulate farmer's response to changes on agricultural policy. Source code is available on the project's site.
Skills: C++, Qt, Object-oriented programming, Grass GIS, Excel Solver, Project Management, MySql
Year: 2007-current
=> Visit website

Associazione Bartola elearning

E-learning portal of the Associazione Alessandro Bartola. Includes courses on agricultural policies subject.
Skills: Moodle, audio/video editing
Year: 2007-current
=> Visit website

ISTAO elearning

E-learning portal of the Istituto Adriano Olivetti (leading post-graduate business school) Skills: Moodle, teaching Moodle
Year: 2007
=> Visit website

Agrefit database

Web-based query interface to a flat-files dataset to retrieve agricultural time-series from the web
Skills: python
Year: 2007
=> Visit website

Community site for forestry students and graduated.
Skills: Perl (initial version), Drupal
=> Visit website

Simple parser script to split a text file in fields according to a mask-rule file
Skills: python
Year: 2006
=> Go to its dedicated page

Esami di Stato

Flat-file perl based database developed during my civil service for Economic Faculty secretary's office to manage various student's exams.
Skills: Perl
Year: 2003


Excel-based database to account and report services done by a local environmental police group
Skills: VB, Excel
Year: 2003

AgMemod Perl Model Builder

A quite complex perl script to automatically build a working perl script (and run it as part of an econometric partial equilibrium model) from a set of equations wrote in a higher-level and a “template” script.
Skills: perl, general modelling
Year: 2002

personal/portfolio/home.1349445535.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/18 15:10 (external edit)
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