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This page refers to some IT related projects I has been involved in recent years.
For a list of academic publications refer here instead.

AgriRegioniEuropa journal

An enchanged version (+ socialisation, online double blind peer-review system, + multimedia) of the leading Italian Journal in the field of Agricultural Economics.
Skills: Drupal Commons
Year: 2012
=> Visit website (currently in late Beta status)

Facoltà di Economia web site

Web site (included several web applications) for the web site of the Facoulty of Economics, UNIVPM.
Skills: Drupal, Active Directory
Year: 2011-present
=> Visit website community site

Social site for the (small) village I live in.
Skills: Drupal Commons
Year: 2011-present
=> Visit website

122nd EAAE Seminar website

Website of the 122nd European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). Include complete workflow management of submitted papers (reviewing process included) and back-office management of registered users (payments, seminar informations..)
Skills: Drupal
Year: 2010
=> Visit website

CeSAR elearning

E-learning portal of the Centro per lo Sviluppo Agricolo e Rurale (Ce.SAR).
Skills: Moodle, user support
Year: 2008-2009
=> Visit website

Large agent-based model developed in C++ to simulate farmer's response to changes on agricultural policy. Source code is available on the project's site.
Skills: C++, Qt, Object-oriented programming, Grass GIS, Excel Solver, Project Management, MySql
Year: 2007-current
=> Visit website

Associazione Bartola elearning

E-learning portal of the Associazione Alessandro Bartola. Includes courses on agricultural policies subject.
Skills: Moodle, audio/video editing
Year: 2007-current
=> Visit website

ISTAO elearning

E-learning portal of the Istituto Adriano Olivetti (leading post-graduate business school) Skills: Moodle, teaching Moodle
Year: 2007
=> Visit website

Agrefit database

Web-based query interface to a flat-files dataset to retrieve agricultural time-series from the web
Skills: python
Year: 2007
=> Visit website

Community site for forestry students and graduated.
Skills: Perl (initial version), Drupal
=> Visit website

Simple parser script to split a text file in fields according to a mask-rule file
Skills: python
Year: 2006
=> Go to its dedicated page

Esami di Stato

Flat-file perl based database developed during my civil service for Economic Faculty secretary's office to manage various student's exams.
Skills: Perl
Year: 2003


Excel-based database to account and report services done by a local environmental police group
Skills: VB, Excel
Year: 2003

AgMemod Perl Model Builder

A quite complex perl script to automatically build a working perl script (and run it as part of an econometric partial equilibrium model) from a set of equations wrote in a higher-level and a “template” script.
Skills: perl, general modelling
Year: 2002

personal/portfolio/home.1325791619.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/18 15:10 (external edit)
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