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personal:blog:2008:0812_linux_sells_more_than_windows [2008/08/12 23:14]
personal:blog:2008:0812_linux_sells_more_than_windows [2018/06/18 15:11]
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-====== Linux sells more than Windows! ====== 
-Did you recently had a look at the Amazon Bestsellers ranks? If so you can’t have missed to notice how Windows, for decades the almost-sole operating system, has been dethoned by other Operating Systems (OS) with better sales ranks.\\ 
-In particular in USA Apple is the new big win, while in Europe it’s Linux. And when Windows ranks well, it is thanks to its older XP OS rather than to its newest Vista one. 
-Still anybody negletting its commercial flop ??? 
-====== ====== 
-1 - USA - http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/pc/565108 - 30/7/2008 16:00 CET 
-Bestsellers in Computers & PC Hardware 
-Any Category > Computers & PC Hardware > Notebooks 
-The most popular items in Notebooks. Updated hourly. 
-1 Apple 
-2 Apple 
-3 Linux 
-4 Win XP 
-5 Apple 
-6 Linux 
-7 Win Vista 
-8 Linux 
-9 Apple 
-10 Win Vista 
-11 Linux 
-12 Win XP 
-13 Win Vista 
-14 Win XP 
-15 Linux 
-16 Win Vista 
-17 Win Vista 
-18 Linux 
-19 Win Vista 
-20 Win Vista 
-21 Win Vista 
-22 Apple 
-23 Linux 
-24 Win Vista 
-25 Win Vista 
-2 - Germany - http://www.amazon.de/gp/bestsellers/ce-de/3034891 - 22:45 CET 30/7/2008 
-Alle Kategorien > Elektronik > Notebooks 
-Die meistgefragten Artikel in Notebooks. Stündlich aktualisiert 
-1 Linux 
-2 WinXP 
-3 WinXP 
-4 Linux 
-5 Linux 
-6 Linux 
-7 WinXP 
-8 Linux 
-9 WinXP 
-10 Win Vista 
-11 Win Vista 
-12 Win Vista 
-13 Apple 
-14 Apple 
-15 Linux 
-16 Win Vista 
-17 Linux 
-18 Win Vista 
-19 Win Vista 
-20 Win ?? 
-21 Win Vista 
-22 Win Vista 
-23 Win Vista 
-24 Apple 
-25 Win Vista 
personal/blog/2008/0812_linux_sells_more_than_windows.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/18 15:11 (external edit)
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