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academic:publications [2016/03/24 10:23]
antonello [Oral presentations in conferences without acts]
academic:publications [2023/05/26 11:54]
antonello [Pubblicazioni accademiche - Academic publication list]
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 +[[https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1534-8697|ORCID]] - [[https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=8DSfpVUAAAAJ|Google Scholar]]
 ===== Pubblicazioni accademiche - Academic publication list ===== ===== Pubblicazioni accademiche - Academic publication list =====
 +    * Lorang, E., Lobianco, A. & Delacote, P. (202"), "[[https://doi.org/10.1007/s10666-022-09850-5|Increasing Paper and Cardboard Recycling: Impacts on the Forest Sector and Carbon Emissions]]", Environ Model Assess, 28, 189–200  
 +    * Riviere, M., Pimont, F., Delacote, P., Caurla, S., Ruffault, J., Lobianco, A., et al., (2022), "[[https://doi.org/10.1029/2021EF002433| A Bioeconomic Projection of Climate-induced Wildfire Risk in the Forest Sector]]", Earth's Future, 10
 +    * Lobianco, A., (2021), "[[https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.02849|BetaML: The Beta Machine Learning Toolkit, a self-contained repository of Machine Learning algorithms in Julia]]", Journal of Open Source Software, 6(60)
 +    * Delacote P., Lobianco A., Caurla S., Bontemps J.D., Lungarska A., Mérian P., Rivière M., Barkaoui A. (2020), "[[https://doi.org/10.1561/112.00000522|The loop effect: how climate change impacts the mitigation potential of the French forest sector]]”, Journal of Forest Economics, accepted paper
 +  * Roux A. (coord.), Colin A. (coord.), Dhôte J.-F. (coord.), Schmitt B. (coord.), Bailly A., Bastien J.-C., Bastick C., Berthelot A. Bréda N., Caurla S., Carnus J.-M., Gardiner B., Jactel H., Leban J.-M., Lobianco A., Loustau D., Marçais B., Meredieu C., Pâques L., Rigolot E., Saint-André L., Guehl J.-M., (2020). "[[http://doi.org/10.35690/978-2-7592-3121-8|Filière forêt-bois et atténuation du changement climatique : entre séquestration du carbone en forêt et développement de la bioéconomie.]]", Versailles, éditions Quæ, 170 p.
 +  * Caurla, S. and Lobianco, A.,(2020) "[[https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cliser.2019.100106|Estimating climate service value in forestry: The case of climate information on drought for maritime pine in Southwestern France]]", Climate Services, Volume 17, January 2020
 +  * Petucco, C., Lobianco, A. & Caurla, S. (2019) "[[https://doi.org/10.1007/s10666-019-09661-1|Economic Evaluation of an Invasive Forest Pathogen at a LargeScale: The Case of Ash Dieback in France]]", Environmental Modelling and Assessment
 +  * Lobianco A. (2019) "[[https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5190-4|Julia Quick Syntax Reference. A Pocket Guide for Data Science Programming]]", Apress, ISBN: 978-1-4842-5189-8 
 +  * Delacote P., Lobianco A., Caurla S., Bontemps J.D., Lungarska A., Mérian P., Barkaoui A. (2018), "[[https://agriregionieuropa.univpm.it/it/content/article/31/54/la-filiera-foresta-legno-francese-tra-potenziale-di-mitigazione-dei|La filiera foresta-legno francese tra potenziale di mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici e necessità di adattamento]]", Agriregionieuropa, anno 14 n°54, Set 2018
 +  * Roux  A.,  Dhôte  J.-F.  (Coordinateurs),  Achat  D.,  Bastick  C.,  Colin  A.,  Bailly  A., Bastien J.-C., Berthelot A., Bréda N., Caurla S., Carnus J.-M., Gardiner B., Jactel H., Leban J.-M., Lobianco A.,  Loustau  D.,  Meredieu  C.,  Marçais  B.,  Martel  S.,  Moisy  C.,  Pâques  L.,  Picart-Deshors  D.,  Rigolot  E.,  Saint-André  L.,  Schmitt B.  (2017).  "{{ :academic:pubs:2017_foretcc_rapport.pdf |Quel  rôle  pour  les  forêts  et  la  filière  forêt-bois  françaises  dans l’atténuation du changement climatique? Une étude des freins et leviers forestiers à l’horizon 2050. Rapport d’étude pour le Ministère de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation}}", INRA and IGN, 101 p. + 230 p. (annexes). {{ :academic:pubs:2017_foretcc_resume_en.pdf |English Summary}}
   * A. Dragicevic, A. Lobianco,  A. Leblois (2016), "[[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2015.12.010|Forest planning and productivity-risk trade-off through the Markowitz mean-variance model]]", Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 64, March 2016, Pages 25–34.   * A. Dragicevic, A. Lobianco,  A. Leblois (2016), "[[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2015.12.010|Forest planning and productivity-risk trade-off through the Markowitz mean-variance model]]", Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 64, March 2016, Pages 25–34.
-  * A. Lobianco, S. Caurla, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui (2016), "[[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfe.2015.12.003|Carbon mitigation potential of the French forest sector under threat of combined physical and market impacts due to climate change.]]", Journal of Forest Economics+  * A. Lobianco, S. Caurla, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui (2016), "[[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfe.2015.12.003|Carbon mitigation potential of the French forest sector under threat of combined physical and market impacts due to climate change.]]", Journal of Forest Economics, Volume 23, April 2016, Pages 4–26
-  * A. Lobianco, P. Delacote, S. Caurla, A. Barkaoui (2015), "[[http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10666-015-9483-1|Accounting for active management and risk attitude in forest sector models. An impact study on French forests]]", Environmental Modeling and Assessment, Paper available online (awaiting assignment to an issue)+  * A. Lobianco, P. Delacote, S. Caurla, A. Barkaoui (2016), "[[http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10666-015-9483-1|Accounting for active management and risk attitude in forest sector models. An impact study on French forests]]", Environmental Modeling and Assessment, June 2016, Volume 21, Issue 3, Pages 391–405
   * A. Lobianco, A. Dravicevic, A. Leblois (2015), "{{:academic:pubs:cahier_du_lef_2015-07.pdf|Forest planning and productivity-risk trade-off through the Markowitz mean-variance model}}", Cahier du LEF 2015-07   * A. Lobianco, A. Dravicevic, A. Leblois (2015), "{{:academic:pubs:cahier_du_lef_2015-07.pdf|Forest planning and productivity-risk trade-off through the Markowitz mean-variance model}}", Cahier du LEF 2015-07
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-====== Oral presentations in conferences without acts ======+===== Datasets ===== 
 +    * Lobianco, A., (2021), "[[http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4736886|Land use partitioned by region (sub-national) and year (1992-2019)]]", [Data set], Zenodo 
 +===== Oral presentations in conferences without acts =====
   * Barkaoui A., Bontemps J.D., Caurla S., Delacote P., __Lobianco A.__ , Mérian P., "{{:academic:pubs:20150708_our_common_future_loop_lobianco.odp|The loop effect: quantifying the mitigation potential of the forest sector when adaptation strategies are also taken into account. A case study for France}}", International Conference “Our Common Future Under Climate Change”, Session 2216 -Climate smart forestry- Integrating mitigation and adaptation into sustainable development, 8 July 2015, Paris, France   * Barkaoui A., Bontemps J.D., Caurla S., Delacote P., __Lobianco A.__ , Mérian P., "{{:academic:pubs:20150708_our_common_future_loop_lobianco.odp|The loop effect: quantifying the mitigation potential of the forest sector when adaptation strategies are also taken into account. A case study for France}}", International Conference “Our Common Future Under Climate Change”, Session 2216 -Climate smart forestry- Integrating mitigation and adaptation into sustainable development, 8 July 2015, Paris, France
academic/publications.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/26 11:54 by antonello
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