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Antonello Lobianco's general Curriculum Vitae

Note: latest version of this CV can be retrieved from


Antonello Lobianco
Born 1975, male, Italian.
Married, two kids (2015 and 2017)
Forest and agricultural Economist
Research Engineer @ AgroParisTech
Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée (BETA - ex Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière)
14 Rue Girardet, 54100 Nancy, France


Research areas

  • Forest sector climate change mitigation potential
  • Forest managers climate change adaptation strategies
  • Forest and forest sector dynamics
  • Political economy in the intersections between agricultural, rural development, forest and environmental domains
  • Linkage between social simulation, spatial dimension and biophysical environment
  • Common Agricultural Policy and distributional issues (past)
  • Knowledge transfer and informal learning in the agricultural domain (past)


  • Agent-based simulations and partial equilibrium models
  • Mathematical programming (LP, MIP, NL,..)
  • Markowitz (1952) mean-variance model
  • Markov transition forest matrix models
  • Carbon flow and stocks modelling
  • Using distance learning, social networks and community of practices for Knowledge transfer

General academic skills

  • Teaching at graduate level
  • Preparation (i.e. fundraising) and participation in international research projects
  • Technical and computer competences:
    • Julia language programming
    • C++ programming and GUI programming using the Qt toolkit
    • GIS usage and scripting (Grass/QGis/ArcGis), spatial analysis
    • Mathematical programming libraries and related software (GLPK, Ipopt, ADOL-C, ColPack, Pyomo, JuMP)
    • Statistical and mathematical packages (GAMS, GRETL, TSP…)
    • Install and administer LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySql/PHP|Phyton|Perl) servers
    • Install, personalise and administer Content Management Systems (e.g. Drupal), Course Management Systems (e.g. Moodle), Collaboration platform (NextCloud, LibreOffic Online), team computation environments (RStudio Server, JupiterHub)
    • Advanced spreadsheet usage (Excel, OpenOffice Calc)
    • Scripting/macro languages (Python, PHP, Perl, Visual Basic, Star Basic)
    • Database and user interface design

Other competences

  • Languages: Italian (mother tongue), English (C), French (B)
  • Ability of working in team while respecting deadlines
  • Ability to express my opinions selecting the correct language according to the specific audience
  • Organise complex initiatives involving several actors (e.g. e-learning courses)


  • |2016 - 2018| Participation at the EU H2020 research MARCO - MArket Research for a Climate Services Observatory/
  • [2016-2018| Lecturer of welfare, forest and resource economics, Universitè de Lorrain and AgroParisTech\
  • |2016 - 2017| Participation at the INRA/Ministry of Agriculture, Agrifood, and Forestry of France research project “Contribution of forests and French forest-wood sector to climate change mitigation”\
  • |2013 - | Research engineer at Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière (now BETA, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée), joint research unit INRA/AgroParisTech (Nancy, France), working on the forest sector modelling
  • |2012 - 2015| Participation at the ANR (French National Research Agency) research ORACLE - Opportunities and Risks of Agrosystems & forests in response to CLimate, socio-economic and policy changEs in France (and Europe)/
  • |2012| Post-doc at Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière
  • |2011| Lecturer of Regional and Environmental Economics, Faculty of Economics, Marche Polytechnic University (9 EU credits, 66 hours of class lessons)
  • |2008 - 2015| Member of the Associazione Alessandro Bartola auditor board
  • |2006 - 2010| Founder of the research project RegMAS - Regional Multi Agent Simulator
  • |2004 - 2006| Member of the EU research IDEMAThe impact of decoupling and modulation in the enlarged union: a sectoral and farm level assessment
  • |2004| Visiting student at the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO)
  • |2002 - 2004| Member of the EU research AG-MEMOD - Agricultural sector in the member states and EU: econometric modelling for projection and analysis of EU policies on agriculture, forestry and the environment
  • |2002 - current| Member of the Agreco Research Group at the Department of Economics of Marche Polytechnic University with Franco Sotte and Roberto Esposti, among others.
  • |2001 - 2002| Brief stage at the Department of Agronomy, Forest and Land management of Turin University in the matter of Geographical Information Systems applied to Forest Management.
  • |2000| 6 months “Erasmus” scholarship at the Umeå University, Sweden, working with Prof. Benkt Kristrom



  • Environmental Modelling & Software (2015)
  • Baltic Forestry (2014)
  • Agriregionieuropa (2008,2011,2012,2013)


  • French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2017)
  • Association Française de Science Economique (2016)
  • 122nd European Association of Agricultural Economists Seminar (2011)


Ac. Y. Subject Hours (front lesson) Institute Level Lang Role
2017/2018 Welfare and forest economics 12 AgroParisTech Graduated Eng Resp.
2017/2018 Forest modelling 4 AgroParisTech Graduated Eng Lect.
2017/2018 Natural resource economics 8 Université de Lorraine Graduated Eng Lect.
2016/2017 Welfare and forest economics 12 AgroParisTech Graduated Eng Lect.
2016/2017 Forest modelling 2 AgroParisTech Graduated Eng Lect.
2016/2017 Natural resource economics 8 Université de Lorraine Master deuxième année pour ingénieurs Eng Lect.
2010/2011 Regional and environmental economics 66 Università Politecnica delle Marche Master deuxième année Ita Resp.

Didactic activities (other than teaching)

Year Activity
2017/2018 Monitoring committee of a PhD program on “ACV territoriale appliquée à un territoire forestier”
2017/2018 Master thesis literature review suepervisor
2009/2010 Master thesis (“laurea quinquennale”) supervisor: “Un’analisi degli impatti ambientali attraverso un modello di simulazione multi-agente”
2003/2004 Master thesis (“laurea quinquennale”) supervisor: “La filiera foresta-legno nelle Marche”
2002/2012 Technical and/or pedagogical manager of many distance learning programs, including for the Faculty of Economics of UNIVPM, the “Associazione Alessandro Bartola” (AAB), the “Consiglio per la Ricerca e Sperimentazione in Agricoltura” (CRA), the “Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria” (INEA), the EU Commission, the “Istituto Adriano Olivetti” (ISTAO)

Fundrising / project writing

(only projects where I had a formal or informal leading role)

Year Project title Call Project cost Result
2018 Timber production For Ecosystem Service enhancement in a bio-economic perspective (TimForES) Forestvalue ERA-NET 778,716€ Under review
2013 Rural regions and regional policies: a spatially explicit impact evaluation using microdata Italian research ministry 872,953€ Not admitted
2012 An integrated formal and social learning approach for rural communities (ILARC) EU Lifelong learning programme 496,865€ Not admitted

Certifications and lifelong learning


Year Title Provider Mark
2017 6.041.1x Introduction to Probability: Part 1 - The Fundamentals MITx (edX) 101%


Following is a list of results from tests:

Test name Percentile Notes
C++ Programming Test 82% TOP 20%
MS Excel 2000 Test 87% TOP 20%

Initial Former Education

  • |2004 - 2007| Ph.D. on Agricultural Policies at University of Tuscia (Viterbo)
  • |1995 - 2001| Five years degree in Forest and Environmental Sciences at Turin University (full marks with honour). Final paper of degree on the Environmental Kuznet's Curve.
  • |1990 - 1995| “Liceo Scientifico”
academic/curriculum.1517143327.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/18 15:10 (external edit)
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