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Antonello Lobianco Personal Web Pages

New French mobile number: +33652392310 (My Italian mobile number will not work still I am in France, as it is not possible to forward calls from it to the French number.)

Antonello Lobianco - Sherwood Forest (UK)

Benvenuto - Welcome

Pagine personali di Antonello Lobianco
Contact form - Off-line contacts






''I prepared a grid of intersections that life will throw you out of the way in the coming months. The crossings have not been decided by you, and this is called destiny. But which path to take at every turn depends only on you. And this is called freedom.'' (Massimo Gramellini)

home.1331803008.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/06/18 15:10 (external edit)
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