Linux on HP Pavilion dv6215ea

Just two notes on my experience on installing Linux (Ubuntu/Kubuntu 7.04) on the HP Pavilion dv6215ea.

This is a very nice and stylish Laptop from HP with Widescreen and useful remote control.

I wrote “two lines” because surprendently EVERYTHING is working without any problems.

Only the WLAN requires some (simple) hack following this guide on installing ndiswrapper:

All the remaining hardware (graphic, remote control, audio, card reader, multimedia keys… ecc.) works out of the box.

A couple of further notes: ntfs filesystem read/write needs the package ntfs-config while for nvidia driver you need to enable restriced driver manager.
Very nice!

PS: As some users made me notice the webcam as well need further drivers not yet included in ubuntu 7.04.

Hovewer drivers are already out and working. You can find and installing them simply following this how-to:

(Tested on ekiga once setted V4L2 instead of the default V4L)